Networks for Net Zero
Make the Change
The vast majority of research (and UK investments) tell us we need to electrify large elements of transport, heat and industry by 2035.
What does this mean for our networks? Our networks can be the great enabler of net zero by efficiently and safely transporting the energy that was once transported via natural gas networks and lorry loads of petrol, diesel and home heating oil.
The risk is they become the blocker exposing shareholders and regulators to negative public exposure. To be the enabler rather than the blocker requires radical and fast industry change. This is where we come in.
Increase pace and reduce cost
Each member of our expert team has worked with every DNO in the UK, so they know the regulatory landscape better than anyone. With this complete picture of the whole industry, combined with the experience of delivering massive amounts of EV Charging infrastructure, solar farm connections and industrial connections, we can bring a unique 360 degree view that incorporates Distribution Network Operators, EV charge point operators, Independant Connection Providers, major connection customers and investors.
Combining our industry insight with an extensive track record in delivering extensive electrification of fleets, bus depots, last mile delivery depots and national charging infrastructure programmes we can offer:
Network regulation analysis
Connections policy development
Connections process development
Networks electrification strategy
Networks electrification transition planning